BDO History

A global beginning

BDO was founded in 1963 with five original member firms in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, the US and Canada. These firms formed the Binder Seidman International Group. In 1973, the British, German and Dutch member firms adopted a common name whose acronym has endured for the entire global network. That name was Binder Hamlyn (UK) Dijker & Co (Holland) Otte & Co (Germany).

What does 'BDO' stand for?  Literally, BDO stands for Binder Dijker Otte.

To honour and commemorate its 50th anniversary, we produced a book that looks back at over half a century of success - and forward to further growth (click below to read).

A local identity

Great relationships start with great people. Our establishment in 2019 stemmed from more than 10 years of friendship with member firms of Suriname, Trinidad and The Cayman Islands. The warm welcome by existing BDO clientele and other local and international entities with operations in Guyana demonstrates the value we place on building meaningful relationships.

Embedded within the BDO culture of excellence, is a local identity supported by a 100% Guyanese staff complement. Our “hand’s on” approach to every engagement is backed by a deep understanding of local culture and customs unique to Guyana. We see this as a remarkable strength which sets us apart and appeals to both local and international entities who find assurance in our reputation as trusted advisors. Our relationships are built on multi-level channels of communication allowing us to share in the experience of adding value to our clients.

Our introduction to Guyana as one of the newest members of the BDO network coincided with a number of significant events in the country’s history. Almost one month after we opened our doors in Georgetown, “First Oil” was extracted from the Liza Destiny well, signaling a change in the country’s economic prospects as a major oil producing nation.

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected economies around the world and dampened the pace of the budding oil sector and other major industries in Guyana. While we join the fight to flatten the curve by staying home, we do not compromise on quality but continue serving our clients with minimal disruption. BDO’s investments and focus on technology allows us to adapt almost seamlessly to the new norm of digital service delivery.

In the midst of turmoil, exceptional client service remains a top priority for us, as we continue to provide on-time delivery of reports and full access to BDO team members. After all, knowing that we are a reliable partner for our clients is extremely important to us.

Working towards a strong future

Today, BDO’s entrepreneurial spirit lives on, and the network continues its history of growth as it expands across the wider Caribbean. Yet, no matter how large we become, we continue to remain united under a common purpose: helping people thrive, every day.